Thursday, March 16, 2006

The hills are alive

Phew, I know you are all worn out from the hefty geometric workout, but now it is time to stretch out those vocal cords and belt out that toon from The Sound of Music. Before you get all crazy and start singing "Doe a deer a female deer" you need to check out the geometrically altered lyrics. Just look below and don't be afraid to give it a try. Once you get the rhythm and words down start including the hand motions which are in the parentheses. OK, next time I see you I expect you to be a pro.

Point, a point a dot or a spot (point into the air twice for "point a point", then make a fist "a dot or a spot")
Ray a beam straight from the sun (hold one arm towards sun with fingers extended)
Line two ways in which to run (hold arms straight out parallel to the floor, fingers extended)
Segment two point define the end (keep holding arms out but make fists with each hand)
Perpendicular two lines that cross just like a T (make a T with arms in front of you (see pic))
Parallel two lines that never cross (hold your arms like an equals sign in front of you with fingers extended (see pic))
Which brings us back to point point point (point into the air then repeat from beginning)

Check out my kids emphatically making parallel and perpendicular lines.


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