Saturday, November 25, 2006

Heating this enormous house.

Last year during one of the winter months my heating bill was in the three hundred dollar range, I think I accidentally left the heat on a few days while I wasn’t home. Since I live alone this year, I have become much more cost conscience and am very careful to conserve energy. Interpret this to mean I live in an icebox. This week has had beautiful daytime weather in the 70’s although nighttime temps have dipped down to 35. I have not yet turned the electric heat on, which means one of two things, I either go to bed with a lot of blankets or camp out in the living room and light a fire. I also have two unvented gas heaters at opposite ends of the house. Don’t worry they burn 99.9% efficient and I have a carbon monoxide detector.

The Mings filled my gas tank for free, so I have been heating my house with the gas heaters and I stay in the rooms with the heaters only venturing out to use the loo or get some food. Conveniently my house has many doors that effectively seal off all rooms including the hallway. The gas heaters effectively heat the rooms they are in and by strategically choosing which doors to open and close I can regulate the temperature and heat other portions of the house as well. I have been home most of the week and using the heat more than I regularly would. I have been checking the gas gage and I think I have been efficient, that or I am out of my mind. Yes, this is all ridiculous, but so far I am warm and my electric bill has not broken $65. We will see what happens in Jan and Feb. The takeaway here is that today I learned I can effectively heat the majority of the house by sealing off two of three bedrooms and the kitchen, opening the hallway doors and turning both the heaters on low.

I will post again when I am freezing my XXX off in the dead of winter.


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