Monday, October 2, 2006

Now he’s preachin’!

You go preacher! Oh yeah! He’s preachin’ now! Keep on preachin’!

YOU GOT TO CHANGE THE THINGS YOU CAN CHANGE! This was the message that was delivered in church on Sunday. I attend a monthly service at Shiloh Church with Jess. I chose to go to this particular chapel because the secretary, or the unnecessary ‘sex’etary that is uttered by too many of the male staff when talking to her, attends this church. In fact her whole family participates in the choir and the band. Her son, who is in my class plays the drums and there are a handful of other community members that I know who go as well. I enjoy the experience even if it is a two and a half hour commitment.

The theme of ‘things got to change’ was repeated over and over in a dozen or so different ways. Some of them more reasonable than others, but when the preacher got on a roll, I often lost many of the words he was saying as the congregation became increasingly enthusiastic. Sweat was dripping down the face of the eminently large pastor; deep wheezing breaths desperately being inhaled as the flight of words were viscerally exposed upon the crowd. And as I sat next to Jess hand in hand I thought about the things that change. Change does not need to connote a negative. Whenever we are progressing, reflecting and improving we are changing. And as the preachin’ came to an end, I bowed my head in silence and gave thanks for the intoxicating young woman standing next me who has contributed endlessly to the continuing improvement that I have been experiencing. Church was a wonderfully refreshing experience.


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