Monday, October 16, 2006

One week and counting.

We have a budget of $1500 and we are using every penny. I think the bouncing castle may put us over the edge, but we are ensuring that Shelby Fest will be fantastic.

I have been nervous about meal sales and cultivating realistic expectations for revenues. I have had considerable fear about appropriately estimating food purchases and my efforts to pre-sell rib and chicken dinners have been lack luster. However, I am hoping a rambunctious army of fourth graders equipped with excitement, enthusiasm and sales sheets will take care of the problem. Today I sent the legions out into the field with instructions to ask, invite, and harass anyone and everybody to buy meals for Shelby Fest. The kids are invested. They know the funds will go toward subsidizing their field trip, and I hope this eagerness translates into decent numbers of pre-sold meals. The excitement of the event and the allure of the trips to Memphis and Jackson have them geared up to sell as many meals as possible. The sales leader in each class will get a backpack filled with school supplies and undisputed bragging rights. The tally will be in on Thursday. Wish us luck.


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