Thursday, February 15, 2007

12 weeks left.

This week has been chaotic. We are at the end of our sixth week of this nine-week period. We are rapidly approaching the next big school benchmark…spring break. This time of the year is often compared with the October doldrums just not as severe. I am not experiencing doldrums, I am filled with a sense of exuberant psychosis. I see 12 weeks of Delta employment stretched out in front of me. We are throttling full speed ahead. I don’t think this combustion and scattering of life’s pieces is an anomaly. I expect unbridled excitement until the end of the year.

This week has been characterized by:

- A return from Chicago.
- K… asking for a squeeze and a head butt upon entering the room.
- Lots of ranting and raving about the size of our brains.
- A legitimate push towards centers.
- The beginning of state test prep… dun, dun, dun…
- A day of singing about lines, points and rays (this was my official administrative observation day).
- A concert in Oxford leading to 3 hours of sleep on the couch in the living room, the only warm room in my house. Followed by a night of 11 hours of sleep on the couch and now a night of four hours of sleep. This might be contributing to the discombobulation.
- The premier meeting of art club was a roaring success. The kids are very excited. In their words referencing our projects, “That’s cold!”
- Moves being made towards starting and after school game club.
- Acceptance of my summer job.
- The purchase of a snowboard. It’s like a ticket to four months in the Rockies next year.



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