Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A list of good things that happened today.

- One of my students from last year said, Mr. C I got a 95 on that practice MCT…good thing you taught all that stuff last year.”

- 11 of my students scored over an 85% on a comprehensive exam and everyone is psyched to keep practicing to get their scores higher. Four of them broke a ninety.

- It rained for the first time this spring. The wonderful scent of fresh life is in the air.

- I received formal recognition for my contributions to the North Bolivar District.

- Centers officially started to today and they are sweet. They produce no collectable work and the students love the break from test prep.

- Student writing is dramatically improving. Coherent thoughts are being assembled and explained on both paper and in words.

- I have completely enjoyed teaching since I returned from spring break and we are rocking house in the classroom.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Whack!...W!, Whack!...H!, ...

Wow, haven’t posted here in a while. Today a student was caught writing on a whiteboard that Ms. F, the English teacher, is a ho. When he was taken to the office the principal asked how he had spelled the word. When she learned he had put an ‘e’ at the end she assumed that he had meant ‘whore’. Whore having five letters is a greater offense then a three-letter obscenity thus deserving one lick for each letter. I was not present, but was told that the licks were delivered in utmost emphasis. Upon each lick delivered the principal over annunciated each letter to make it clear to the child that should he ever be calling anyone a whore he best spell it correctly.